Space Angel: Iris V.2

Welcome To My World

This site is about me, my art, writings, and my Likes and dislikes. My first site was call Space Angel : Iris like this one. But I am saddens to say I can no longer can log in to that site. So, I decided to set up this one. At first Space Angel : Iris was going to be story site, where I and a good firend would work together on a story that I had in mind. But now it's going to be my personal site dedicated to my art and writings. I'll update whenever I can. I hope you enjoyed your stay and do come back again.


1/21/07-  Updateed my Art page and About me page.
1/21/07-  I added a board. So, people can talk and things like that. I had to chang over to myspace. Cos, the other I'm haveing a hart time getting in to.
1/21/07- Boy my bad. It's been so long sein I update this site. But I'm going to try again. Hope this time I don't do that again. ><;
4/28/05- Just got done on my Profile. Still might need to add things to it. But it's good now. Also I now have a journal on the Internet. I will be adding it to this site. But for right now I am going to bed.  ~.~ ZzZzZz

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Space Angel: Iris V.2 own by Cara.  Hosted by Tripod. Art & Writings by Cara are not to be ues on other people site without her permission.